
A Salt characteristic refers to a design token that aligns with a holistic semantic used throughout the design language.

For a full list of characteristics, refer to the characteristic documentation.

Salt components serve as foundational building blocks as well as representing design primitives. Users of Salt can design and implement their own patterns within their own scope.

For a full list of foundational components, refer to the component documentation.

A design token is a visual attribute that represents a specific aspect of a design system. It is an abstract representation of a design property, such as colors, typography, spacing, or breakpoints, that can be used consistently across a product or design system. Design tokens provide a centralized and reusable way to define and manage design-related values, making it easier to maintain consistency and make global design changes. They act as a bridge between designers and developers, enabling a shared language and ensuring design consistency throughout the product or system. In Salt design tokens are represented as Figma variables and in code, they take the form of CSS variables.

Salt components are designed and developed with composability in mind. The component foundations serve as building blocks that can be combined to support specific use-cases, whether it's through design or development. Instead of publishing every use-case as a separate component or variant, we aim to keep the component foundation focused and avoid unnecessary complexity. Patterns are published as designs which can be re-implemented within your own code by composing together the foundational components.

For a full list of foundational patterns, refer to the pattern documentation.

Salt is the J.P. Morgan design system, an open-source solution for building exceptional products and digital experiences in financial services and other industries. It offers you well-documented, accessible components as well as comprehensive design templates, style libraries and assets.

Salt is under active development. At this stage, we don't recommend theming unless absolutely necessary.

For an overview of theming, refer to our theming documentation.